Pneumatic cylinders

CRQ2 Series Rotary Actuator

CRQ2 Series Rotary Actuator

 Working Medium:     Air(to be filtered bu 40μm filter element)
Action Type:     Double-acting
Rotating Angle:     80°~100°,170°~190°
Adjustable Angle Range:     ±5°
The CRQ2 series is a compact rotary, rack and pinion style actuator. Single and double shaft types are available in all sizes {10 to 40mm}. The CRQ2 uses internal cushioning and the body can be used as a flange. The use of a double piston eliminates backlash. Auto switches are available. Both single shaft and double shaft are available in all sizes and also 2 auto switches are mountable on the same side while Rotating angle adjusting range: 350 to 370.Options include magnet, shaft type, port thread style, and air cushion